Friday, February 26, 2010

Vegan is Not Exclusive

I recently read a blog, , that was complaining about a flexitarian who was a main writer for a vegan blog. I have a problem with this. The whole reason for me writing this blog is because of people like this. I really cannot stand when people think that they are part of an exclusive club by being a vegan. It's a fucking choice, it's not like you were born a vegan. Ok, some people are raised from birth and even in the womb as vegans, but they can always decide to no longer be a vegan. I think that if a flexitarian wants to write for a vegan blog they can go write ahead. It's not like they are mocking us. A flexitarian is taking a small step into the vegetarian/vegan pool and they are genuinely interested in the whole veganism thing.

I'm sorry for ranting but this offended me. I know that many people saw this blog post and commented on it. But, whatever.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Has Anyone Seen My Life as Liz?

Ok, so the show is absolutely wonderful. I love it. But, there is a problem with it. I have been watching it mostly online and claims that Liz Lee is a vegan in her character description. Yet, she is seen eating marshmallows, milk shakes, malts. Pretty much everything besides meat. So, I want to know if she is misinformed or if mtv is. I'm thinking she is just a vegetarian and not really a vegan. But, whatever. This has simply been bothering me and I wanted to know if anyone else has noticed this. Ok, so whatever.

Ok, so I have the first meeting of the Vegetarian/Vegan society at my school. I'm kind of excited. I know thats weird, but I don't have any friends who are vegans. Most of my friends tell me that I shouldn't be doing this. Ok, mainly one friend. But, whatever. I have, however, gotten this same friend addicted to soy milk. Muahaha.

Ok, so ask me a question, I'd like to create a post about questions people ask me further down the line.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

About Me!

Hi. My name is Rigby, and I have decided that I am too fed up with stereotypes about vegans. I am in high school and have been a vegan for about a month. But, I was a vegetarian for about a year before that. I know what you're thinking. Oh, she probably thinks that she is above all of us because she doesn't eat meat or dairy or eggs. Well, guess what, THAT IS A LIE! That is a complete and total stereotype. You may know a vegan who is like that but there are very few of us out there like that. I mean, think about celebrities that are vegans.

  • Matthew Lush(ok, so he's not a real celebrity but he is a youtube one, good enough)
  • Alicia Silverstone(Clueless-DUH!)
  • Ellen DeGeneres
  • Demi Moore
  • Joaquin Phoenix
  • Natalie Portman
  • Portia de Rossi
  • Zooey Deschanel
  • Vanessa Williams
  • Woody Harrelson

Now, I know you probably don't know any of these people personally, but think about interviews or videos or talk shows or anything you've seen them in as themselves. Did they seem like pompous assholes? I really don't think so.

This is going to be it for now, but I will be back. I promise you. So, email me any questions or comments you have.

Rigby Hope <3